Donations are gratefully accepted and are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. NVADG is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our ID is 06-1672191.
You can donate using a credit card (below), or mail a check. Please make checks out to “North Valley Animal Disaster Group” or “NVADG” and send to the following address: North Valley Animal Disaster Group, PO Box 441, Chico, CA 95927
Scroll down to see options for online credit card or PayPal payments. You can make a “One Time Donation” or make a one time donation “In Memory of a Person or Animal” or become a monthly donor of $5, $10 or $25 per month.
- Enter the amount of your one time donation and click “Continue”. Your donation amount will highlight in grey and you can choose to enter a credit card number or use PayPal. All donations make a difference!
If your donation is in honor of a person or animal, we will gratefully acknowledge your donation to a person of your choosing. Please email us with the name and address of the person to contact. Click here for email address.