Training for animal disaster rescue, evacuation and sheltering during Covid has given us the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The bad and the ugly are obvious! A lot of disaster training requires hands-on practice and visual cues. Hard to replicate on Zoom.
The good, however, is really good! Virtual training gives us access to resources previously out-of-reach. And by recording those trainings, more people can learn more information at times that are more convenient.
You will find more resources for training on our Regional Training Resources page. We list some in-person training done in the region by private companies that specialize in training first responders on animal rescue in emergencies/disasters. We also list some online trainings and workshops that address animal rescue training. Find it under the tab “Resources.”
Big thanks to the Halter Project for regional training information, whose page we link to. They do an outstanding job with communicating disaster preparation and training. Check out their Twitter and Facebook info for regional updates, too.